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Tuesday, 3 October 2017



Root   Organ of a plant that develops initially from the radicle, grows  down into the soil,   and functions for absorption and anchorage.

Stem    Organ of a plant that develops initially from the epicotyl, grows mostly above the ground, and functions for support and conduction.

Leaf  Produced from the  buds  on  the  stem,  the  leaves  are  photosynthetic  and  transpiring organs of the plant. They are usually green and expanded, and have a wide range of  forms.

Bud    An undeveloped, vegetative or floral shoot, covered with protective scales, or consisting of a short axis bearing primordia of leaves or floral parts.

Flower Reproductive structure of angiosperms, consisting usually of sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. After fertilization the ovules of flower develop into seeds.

        Fruit Mature ovary of flowering                     plants containing the seeds.

            Seed    Fertilized ripe ovule of                        flowering plants.

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